Creates official Little League tournament brackets.
Tournament Generator
Generates single and double elimination tournaments
Seeds end of season tournaments from league standings
Automatically updates brackets as scores are entered
Prints new brackets with a click of the mouse
Determines whether an extra game is needed for double elimination tournaments
Brackets are printed with game number and teams
Schedules for each division
Game results
All reports can be saved as PDF or HTML files for the web
Web schedules and brackets to post on your web site
To schedule a tournament, simply enter:
1. type of tournament (single or double elimination) 2. tournament dates 3. number of teams in tournament 4. number of sites available for play 5. team names (or import from league play) 6. sites where tournament will be held 7. dates and times of each round
As you enter the scores, the scheduler will decide which teams play in the next round, when, and where.
Click on the print button to print the updated brackets. You can even print it as a web file to post on your web site.