Super Scheduler™ The Most Powerful Scheduler Available! League and Tournament Schedules, Registration, Finances
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Generate simple and complicated schedules in seconds, for leagues and tournaments.
Assign each game with easy drop-down selections. You can even create invoices for each school and league.
Includes Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball.
Also available as an add-on module for League Organizer™. Click here for more information.
Assignor's Assistant™ Assigning Made Easy! Assignments, Registration, Finances
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Account for each official's schedule, license level, rating.
Assign each game with easy drop-down selections. You can even create invoices for each school and league.
Includes Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball.
Also available as an add-on module for League Organizer™. Click here for more information.
Manager's Assistant® One Program Does It All! Baseball and Softball Statistics, Schedule, Address Book
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A single program to manage your team.
Address book and schedule combined to record statistics for each game.
Batting, fielding, and pitching statistics for each player, team, and game.
Also available as an add-on module for League Organizer™. Click here for more information.
Registration - Scheduling - Uniforms - Equipment - Finances
Used by thousands of leagues around the world
Approved by Little League and Dixie Baseball
Adopted by over 25 state soccer associations
Super Scheduler™The Most Powerful Scheduler Available! League and Tournament Schedules, Registration, Finances.
Assignor's Assistant™ONE PROGRAM DOES IT ALL!
Registration - Scheduling - Uniforms - Equipment - Finances
Used by thousands of leagues around the world
Approved by Little League and Dixie Baseball
Adopted by over 25 state soccer associations
Manager's Assistant®ONE PROGRAM DOES IT ALL!
Registration - Scheduling - Uniforms - Equipment - Finances
Used by thousands of leagues around the world
Approved by Little League and Dixie Baseball
Adopted by over 25 state soccer associations
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Note: All prices in US Dollars
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